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    Continuing the development of WebForms Core technology, we went to the R programming language and aligned the WebForms.R class with version 1.6 of the WebFormsJS library. The WebForms class on the server and the WebFormsJS library on the client constitute the WebForms Core technology.

    At Elanat, we will provide WebForms Core technology to all web-based programming languages. Of course, there are a lot of programming languages, some of which are obsolete, some of which are obscure, and some of which are not used on the web, so our effort is to support Webforms Core technology in more than 99% of programming languages ​​​​that are also used on the web.

    The GIF image below is an example demonstrating how to use Webforms Core with R programming language. The following image is a web page that sends color and cycle data to the server, and the server sends commands to the client to change the color of the form tag based on the cycle data.

    You can get the sample code of image.

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